Only applicable when running mode is set to LIVE_STREAM Sets the result listener to receive the detection resultsĪsynchronously when the hand landmarker is in live stream mode. Hand Landmarker, if the tracking fails, Hand Landmarker triggers handĭetection. This is the bounding box IoU threshold between hands in theĬurrent frame and the last frame. The minimum confidence score for the hand tracking to be considered The hand(s) for subsequent landmark detections. Lightweight hand tracking algorithm determines the location of This threshold, Hand Landmarker triggers the palm detection model. If the hand presence confidence score from the hand landmark model is below The minimum confidence score for the hand presence score in the hand The minimum confidence score for the hand detection to beĬonsidered successful in palm detection model. The maximum number of hands detected by the Hand landmark detector. In this mode, result_callbackĬalled to set up a listener to receive the recognition results LIVE_STREAM: The mode for detecting hand landmarks on a live stream of VIDEO: The mode for detecting hand landmarks on the decoded frames of a IMAGE: The mode for detecting hand landmarks on single image inputs. Sets the running mode for the hand landmarker task. This task has the following configuration options: Option Name

The MediaPipe Hand Landmarker task lets you detect the landmarks of the hands in an image.