On January 24th, 2018, we noticed a complete drop in our average rank sitewide. Drop in Average RankĪs we’ve shared before in previous posts, we utilize Accuranker here at Kinsta to monitor how our content marketing is doing in SERPs. We highly recommend getting this tool! Due to the fact that we publish a lot of content, we check this data on a regular basis. Check out below how we came to this conclusion and exactly how the panic attack inducing situation played out.

Some of us on the Kinsta team have been doing SEO for many years, we put a lot of effort into this traffic channel and so we’ve seen quite a few unique problems, but what happened to us recently by far takes the cake! 🎂 In the end, Google actually made a mistake and left our own site () with an unwarranted manual action against it. They have even on occasion rolled out algorithms to fix previous algorithms.

Just like any other company, they do make mistakes every now and then, even when it comes to search engine results (SERPs) and their algorithms.